
Solved: How to convert a MFC application with a GUI to a GUI

I have a desktop application written Microsoft Visual C++ using Visual Studio 2017. Its a single-doc MFC application.

What does de

I'm planning to port or rewrite an MFC GUI C++ app, to use in a GNU/Linux environment, and hopefully make it cross-platform.

Put Qt UI to MFC application

I'm developing an app using MFC, but the UI in MFC is not that, therefore I would like to ask if there is a way to separate the UI from qt and put it into MFC.

MFC c++ backend with another interfaceGUI language

My supervisor wants to change their MFC based software to have a more modern interface. The only way is to either learn MFC properly or use another language to ...


This sample shows how to bind the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) graphical user interface (GUI) with KINGSTAR Win32 API functions.

User Interface Elements (MFC)

MFC is a set of classes that constitute an application framework, which is the framework of an application written for the Windows API.

Creating a GUI with MFC

If you want the layout features of a dialog in an MFC application derive your CView class from CFormView. This should seem a lot like the forms ...

User Interface Features, MFC Application Wizard

Adds a standard Windows toolbar to your application. The toolbar contains buttons for creating a new document; opening and saving document files ...

Free automated Testing tools for MFC based GUI App

I am working on a legacy MFC based GUI application and looking for tools that would help with automated testing of the UI.

Development of GUI applications (using MFC) for Linux in C++

MFC is a Windows-only technology and we don't have any plans to port it to Linux. I'd recommend using a cross-platform GUI framework such as Qt.

